Didi Taihuttu, a man from the Netherland, who sold everything, which he and his family had owned, for becoming an owner of Bitcoin, reveals his 3 years’ journey after owning his first Bitcoin in 2017. Further informs that about 75% of his overall virtual asset holding is kept in a total of 6 cold storage.
It was in October 2017, when Didi Taihutti from Netherland, made highlights in the global media. What he did was that he sold his and his family’s movable as well as immovable assets for purchasing the world’s lead crypto, Bitcoin. Taihuttu was so committed to purchasing Bitcoin that he in fact convinced his wife to sell her personal assets as well. Both of them are inspirations for people who own Bitcoins or those who want to become Bitcoiners.
It has now been more than three years that people want to know how the couple is doing in 2021. CNBC was the first interested party that contacted Taihuttu for an interview. Taihuttu gladly accepted CNBC’s invitation and recorded his interview. Tahuttu informed that he and his family are enjoying the best part of their lives. He told that since 2017, he has acquired further Bitcoin, and now he has 6 Bitcoin stashes under his ownership. He also revealed that all of the six stashes are comprised of hardware wallets which he has kept secretly within multiple countries.
He told that he is a frequent traveler and therefore he is maintaining these 6 stashes in different countries where he usually flies. He told that in case he needed to access any of his cold wallets, then it doesn’t matter where he is visiting. He always has a stash there to access and do whatever he wants to do with his Bitcoin wealth. He indicated that two of his cold wallets are in Europe, one in South America while the remaining two are in Australia and Asia.
Taihuttu also informed that about 75% of his Bitcoin wealth is contained in cold stashes. However, the remaining 25% of his Bitcoin wealth is stored in hot wallets. He believes that by doing so he enjoys the security of most of his Bitcoin wealth and that is enough for him. Otherwise, he noticed that crypto frauds are rampant these days and sometimes the fear takes him over as well.
He explained that though he sacrificed everything in 2017, however, he never regretted his decision. In fact, he is thankful that he made the right choice at the perfect time. He claims to own multiple cryptocurrencies after his initial purchase of Bitcoin in 2017. He told CNBC that apart from Bitcoin he is now an owner of Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum. However, he refused to disclose the exact number of his ownership of the four leading cryptocurrencies.