Blockchain is not just about tokens and cryptocurrencies; this technology has shown a lot of potential due to which it is being implemented in a huge gamut of spheres nowadays. Of course, this revolutionary technology couldn’t be ignored by the online entertainment industry, so it didn’t take long for cryptocurrency games to make their appearance on the horizon. Today, you can find a large number of such games that are being widely played by people. Do you want to play something truly interesting and gripping? Luckily, you don’t have to look very far as listed below are some of the best crypto games that you can play.
As a matter of fact, some of these games actually provide a real opportunity to people to earn crypto, while others can help entertain you for hours. Let’s check out the options that can be explored:
My Crypto Heroes
Based on Ethereum, this is a role-playing battle game. My Crypto Heroes was launched at the end of 2018 from Japan and it reached the top fairly quickly because of its worldwide transactional volume. This game allows players to take the role of historical heroes and they can battle with other players for getting the rewards. Enemies will obviously target the heroes and they weaken them. Your purpose is to claim back what they stole. Along with features like collecting bonuses, upgrading equipment, and training heroes, you can trade extensions and heroes with other players.
Blockchain Cuties Universe
A collectible crypto game, Blockchain Cuties Universe involves playing with kittens, lizards, pandas, puppies, and other real and fantasy creatures. Players take on the role of the hero, so they can sell, swap or even trade crypto. You are free to test your chosen cuties in battle, acquire weapons or even upgrade their skills. The game can be played on your mobile phone as well as your PC.
Eos Knight
Another popular crypto game that you will come across is Eos Knight and this involves gaining experience and objects. As a matter of fact, it has become known as one of the leading games to be found on the EOS platform. The purpose is to advance in fights against the villains and if someone dies, you will simply be reborn and the items you have earned will also be preserved. In fact, the game also comprises of a special platform where you can actually trade the goods you have acquired.
If you are looking for a strategy crypto game, you don’t have to look beyond OxUniverse, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows players the opportunity of exploring space and they can also colonize other planets. You will also find cosmic bodies and can use their resources for creating new rockets. These can be used for building empires and conquering new planets. From time to time, you will also come across artifacts that have been left behind by some alien civilizations.
Another strategy crypto game that you will come across is MegaCryptoPolis and this is a rather fun one as well. It involves creating a city, which includes purchasing as well as managing land. Taxes are also levied in this case. Players buy and sell lots between each other and the participants of the game are given powerful incentives for obtaining the neighboring land. Currently, this particular game exists on the Ethereum blockchain and is offering its support for ERC721 tokens. The game also boasts 21 thousand plots of land so far and there are a total of 56 districts that can be found.
Neon District
This game had originally been created to be one of the various collectible crypto card games that can be found, but Neon District was later transformed into an RPG. This blockchain game attempts to use possession of items and sidechains based on the ETH blockchain for mixing free turn-based combat gameplay. All the action happens in a tyrannical universe where players are creating groups of characters that gain strength over time and battling the Mainspring government.
The items are certainly an important element of gameplay, such as armor, weapons, and other equipment that you create and collect. Furthermore, your characters also become powerful and can even change their appearance. As far as Neon District’s aesthetics are concerned, they are cyber/steampunk, which makes it a great deal more attractive.
The Loom Network is used by Neon District for managing its gameplay, where items are traded and owned on the ETH core network. The game has been designed by Unity and is available for mobile devices and PC/Mac.
Gods Unchained
Another collectible card game based on Ethereum is Gods Unchained, which entails a battle between two players or a single-player and a computer. The aim is to reduce the life of the enemy to zero by hitting their gods with the ones you have. The gods’ collection of every player is unique and they can select a deck of 30 cards for fighting their opponent. Every collectible card is basically a non-fungible token (NFT), which is based on the ETH blockchain. This enables players to hold their gaming funds in the same way as their crypto.
Spells of Genesis
A blockchain-based puzzle game, Spells of Genesis is also a popular one because it actually offers a fantasy RPG feel. It is one of the first bitcoin blockchain games to have been developed and it is supported by both Android and iOS, as well as PCs. As far as the concept of the game is concerned, it falls somewhere between the arcade and a card-trading game. When you decide to play this game, you can go on an adventure, enchant your competitor, battle with your enemies or simply collect a desk.
Beyond the Void
This particular game requires players to get resources that will help them in conquering a map. In order to accomplish this goal, Beyond the Void allows the players to use minions that can interfere with the other players. You can use the Nexium cryptocurrency for purchasing in-game goods, but it should be noted that you cannot buy tokens in the game itself.
Hash Rush
While most of the crypto games involve the use of crypto wallets, there are some that have opted for a more detailed approach. Hash Rush is one of these projects and this game is developed for PC clients, as it is a three-dimensional real-time strategic game. A special reward is given to users who purchase and utilize cryptocurrency and the game also provides access to the item market.
As the name indicates, Hash Rush outperforms its analogs because it has a lot more to offer. For instance, one aspect of the game is the mining of Crypto Crystals, which are used for ranking leaders. Moreover, the game also boasts its own ERC20 token, which is known as the Rush Coin and it comes with a number of characters skins ERC721. As far as the blockchain elements are concerned, it is the graphic quality that really sets Hash Rush apart from the rest of the crypto games out there, combined with the ease of access it has to offer to the players.